The journey to leadership: essential skills to become an authentic leader

The journey to leadership: essential skills to become an authentic leader

Ever dreamed of leading a bunch of employees to corporate glory, only to realize that the only bunch you're leading is the bunch of pens on your desk? Don't worry! Especially if you've taken the Management Trainee in-house course! Let's see how you can go from "Who is this guy?" to "Wow, I wanna be him when I grow up."

Effective communication: or how to talk without putting anyone to sleep

A true leader not only talks, but also listens. A good DJ knows when to play music and when to let the audience play. Try it:

Emotional intelligence

It means to:

Strategic thinking:

A good leader sees the big picture. Like Monopoly, but in real life:

The ability to inspire:

A true leader inspires the team to do their best:


The world is changing faster than 90s fashion. Be prepared:


Integrity is like water - it's essential, but not everyone has it:

Development continues:

A good leader is always evolving:

The road to leadership is an obstacle course, except the obstacles are invisible and constantly moving. But with these skills at your fingertips, you'll go from "Who let this guy lead?" to "How can I be so cool?" Ready to become the next office super leader? Remember: a true leader is like wine- it gets better with time, but shouldn't be left alone in the cellar too long!

Let's get to know each other!

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