Constructive feedback guide, improved professional relationships

Practical guide to improving working relationships

Do you ever think about how to tell your colleague that their presentation was as captivating as a documentary about growing grass on a Monday without making them feel disappointed? Or how to take criticism without making you run to the bathroom crying? Welcome to our crash course on 'How to give and receive feedback without causing a mess in the office'!

What is constructive feedback and why should you care?

Constructive feedback is a magic mirror that shows you not just how you look, but how you can look better. Like someone saying "Hey, you have a little lipstick on your teeth, but you look fantastic today!". It's meant to help you grow, not make you want to hide under your desk.

How to give feedback without sounding like Darth Vader

How to get feedback without going into full defensive mode

Creating a positive feedback environment

Overcoming obstacles in giving and receiving feedback

Sometimes giving feedback can be as cozy as a hug with a hedgehog. If someone gets defensive, try rephrasing, "I'm not saying your report is wrong, I'm just saying it could benefit from fewer memes and more figures."

Constructive feedback is a superhero in the professional world. With these techniques, you can turn difficult conversations into opportunities for growth (and maybe even funny moments). Who knows, you might end up looking forward to the feedback sessions!

Are you ready to become a master of constructive feedback? Or do you prefer to stick to the strategy of leaving passive-aggressive notes at the water dispenser or on the sugar box? Remember: good feedback is a verbal hug - so make it warm, sincere and not too long, it gets awkward!


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